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The latest in policing news, including Police Association media releases.

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Police Association calls out COLFO on deliberate firearms misinformation

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association questions the motives of the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners with respect to its blatantly incorrect claims…

An open letter to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association, Te Aka Hāpai has serious concerns relating to the current restricted consultation process for proposed firearms…

Police pay offer rebuffed: Association to seek final offer arbitration

Media Releases NZPA

Police officers have overwhelmingly rejected the latest pay offer from Police, with more than 75 per cent voting "no".

Police officers resoundingly reject “kick in the guts” government pay offer

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association, Te Aka Hāpai has been told unequivocally by members that they reject the government’s pay offer which was finally…

NZ Police Association Conference 2023: President's speech

Media Releases Publications NZPA

When considering a theme for this 2023 conference one word was consistently in the picture – literally demanding to be front and centre, and…

Police Association calls out ACT on Firearms Registry pledge

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association, Te Aka Hāpai says the ACT party cannot credibly claim one week to be the party with policies to uphold law and…