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Read in-depth feature stories, news articles and the president's column from each issue of Police News.

  • Time to move on youth violence

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    An alarming and steady surge in serious and violent crime by young people in New South Wales is the key driver of a new youth violence strategy presented to the ANZPAA conference in Melbourne last month.

  • Brave actions that saved lives

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Constable Sophie Allison was off duty, “minding my own business”, doing some supermarket shopping in the early afternoon of Monday, May 10, 2021, when she heard “the sort of screaming that makes your heart sink”.

  • The future is here

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    It was a return to "normality" at the 87th Police Association Annual Conference last month as president Chris Cahill made his opening address to a full in-person crowd for the first time since 2019.

  • Minister open to change on privacy laws

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Police Minister Chris Hipkins addressed members’ concerns about the recent decision to restrict the taking of voluntary fingerprints and photographs.

  • Policing in a climate of disinformation

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    The rapid spread of online disinformation poses one of the biggest challenges to public trust and confidence in police, Commissioner Andrew Coster told delegates to the Police Association’s annual conference.

  • ‘Most challenging time in 30 years’

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    The spirit of optimism was keeping a low profile at the 2022 conference as guest speakers canvassed the theme of future challenges for policing and the world.