The president is elected by the annual conference of members, and serves a 3-year term. The incumbent can seek re-election for further 3-year terms. The president is a serving member of Police, seconded full time to the association, and chairs the association board of directors, and the Police Welfare Fund Ltd board.
National secretary
The national secretary is appointed by conference delegates, and holds office for such term and conditions as determined by conference.
Two vice-presidents are elected by annual conference for 3-year terms. Elections for each vice-presidential post take place in alternating years between presidential election years. This means there is one presidential or vice-presidential election each year.
The current vice-presidents are:
- Steve Watt
- Paul Ormerod
Board of directors
The association board of directors comprises the president, two vice-presidents and one elected regional director for each of the association’s seven regions. All region directors are serving members of Police.
The current members of the Association Board of Directors are:

Chris Cahill
Chris is a detective inspector, seconded full time to the association’s national office. He was first elected for a three-year-term at the 2016 annual conference and re-elected in 2019 for a second term until 2022.
Chris has held a range of positions with the association since 1994, including committee member, chairman, pay adviser, region director and vice-president.

Paul Ormerod

Steve Watt

Murray Fenton
Region 1 Director — (Waitemata & Northland)

Tina Dower
Region 2 Director — (Auckland & Counties Manukau)

Ash Clements
Region 3 Director — (Waikato & Bay of Plenty)

Sarah Stirling
Region 5 Director — (Wellington)

Paul Hampton
Region 6 Director — (Tasman & Canterbury)

Anthony Bond
Region 7 Director — (Southern)

Susan Roberts
Police Employee Director

Doug Clarke
Independent Director
Doug Clarke (Ngati Porou Iwi, East Coast) is the Independent Director appointed to the Board of the NZPA and the Police Welfare Fund with a background in Information Technology and Private Sector Management and Governance. He has been involved in the Information Technology industry for over 30 years many in Senior management and Executive roles with Organisations such as IBM and EDS. For the last 13 years Doug has co-owned and managed a successful IT Project Consultancy Business in New Zealand and Australia (LPS now Expert360).
Doug has had a long association with the New Zealand Police having been involved in supporting and managing Police Touch Rugby teams, he also has family and many close friends who are current and past members of the Police family.
The Directors also sit on the Police Welfare Fund Ltd Board, which meets bi-monthly, along with a representative for:
- The Police Commissioner
- Retired Members
Deputy Directors
Deputy directors will stand in for Directors at Board meetings where appropriate.
Region 1 Waitemata/Northland - Michael Colson
Region 2 Auckland City - Andrew Gwilliam
Region 3 Waikato/Bay of Plenty - Natalie Douglas
Region 4 Eastern/Central - Jono Redley
Region 5 Wellington, PNHQ and RNZPC - Rose-Anna Carroll
Region 6 Tasman/Canterbury - Andre Barrett
Region 7 Southern - Jamie Cook
National Office
The association's national office is located in Wellington. National office staff work to support members across a broad portfolio of needs including membership administration, communications, industrial, legal, insurance, health, welfare and other areas.
Chief Operating Officer
The chief operating officer leads the commercial arm of national office.
Senior Employment Advisors: Districts (previously Field officers)
The association’s Senior Employment Advisors: Districts work with their district/local area committees to resolve members' issues.
District / area committees
Each district/area committee has an executive comprised of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and a treasurer, and committee members who are representatives of the district/area membership.
The district/area committee is a fundamental medium of communication between members of the district/area, the board of directors and the national secretary. The committee attends to all matters affecting the members within the district/area, communicates on matters of regional interest, and elevates issues on behalf of the district/area or branch.
Delegates from district /area committees attend the October annual conference where they deliberate on all policy and other matters affecting the association or any association member.