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Read in-depth feature stories, news articles and the president's column from each issue of Police News.

  • It's all about balance

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    The Police Association has set up a Diversity Governance Group (DGG), which met for the first time last month at the National Office in Wellington.

  • Built to serve

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    It’s big and beautiful, which isn’t something we usually hear about police stations.

  • 'That horrific day'

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Former police officer Ian Blackie was an 18-year-old cadet on April 10, 1968, when he and other trainee policemen were sent to help in the Wahine rescue effort.

  • Crime and Banishment

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    It’s being called “crimmigration” – an influx of deportees from Australia arriving in New Zealand – and our police have been tasked with overseeing their reintegration into a place most have never called home. Ellen Brook reports

  • The intelligent approach

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    If you’re a gang member, associate or prospect living in New Zealand, Police has got tabs on you. By Ellen Brook

  • Deportation boosts gang activity

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Photographed standing beside gold-plated motorbikes, Comanchero gang members have been boasting online about setting up a chapter in New Zealand.