Police iwi liaison Aroha Morehu, mana whenua Te Āti Awa representative Kaanihi Butler-Hare and association president Chris Cahill at the Wellington Holiday Homes official opening.
The rain eased just in time for Kaanihi Butler-Hare, representing mana whenua Te Āti Awa, to bless the two Newlands houses late last month. Police Association leaders, board directors and staff as well as representatives from Police were present to mark the occasion.
The three-bedroom units bring Te Aka Hāpai’s portfolio of Holiday Homes back to full strength and will be available for members to book soon. “Our team has worked hard to get these homes fitted out and prepared for you and your families to visit. We look forward to our members making the most of our most recent purchase,” association chief operating officer Bryan McConnell said.
Welcoming spaces to take an affordable, welldeserved break from the rigours of policing are a key element of Welfare Fund support, president Chris Cahill said.
The 189-square-metre homes, which are just a 10-minute drive from the city centre, are the first the association has bought since 2016. They bring the number of Holiday Homes throughout the country to 66.
To book, go to policeassn.org.nz