Situational preparedness
The knife attack in the Sydney mall last month was a tragedy without measure. The actions of Inspector Amy Scott can only be described as heroic. Without hesitation, she ran into that mall and stopped the rampage, a well-trained and equipped police officer who had the right tools at the right time to prevent there being further victims. Are we well enough equipped if we find ourselves in the same unpredictable situation?
Calling all cars - none there?
I see the “6.5% budget savings” have extended to not replacing, buying or fitting out any new vehicles until after July 1. I get that things are tough but the job goes on and we need those vehicles to do that job. With the ever-constant, deliberate ramming of police vehicles, this policy is going to create issues. I don’t like the idea of officers taking an Uber to jobs but I wouldn’t mind seeing a dog handler and their furry companion on an e-scooter in hot pursuit of an offender. There does need to be more scrutiny of how the Police money situation has ended up so dire. Is it lack of funding or inappropriate use of resources?
It's about to go gangbusters
The current cut and slash of government services is going to make our jobs harder in other ways, too. We already have stretched healthcare, Oranga Tamariki, Customs, MPI, even St John. I fear police will be called upon to pick up even more of the slack than now. But rest assured, team, we’ll be able to seize the odd gang patch in between P1 jobs and have the comfort of knowing the Government really, really, values us by paying us what we are worth. Yep, that was a truly cynical sentence, no apologies.
Time for a reality check
With all the press and focus on our pay round, I just want to pass on my thanks and admiration to you all. Even though we get grumbly and pi#&ed off at the offers made to us, and constant messages from PNHQ about “fiscal responsibility” and “no” you can’t have that, WE are still responding to jobs, protecting people, attending and investigating grisly incidents, getting abused, assaulted, and spat at, staying well over our 10/0 time and completing that arrest file with our eyes hanging out. I’m at a loss as to how some at PNHQ and elected Government representatives truly have no idea of our reality. I suppose if they don’t look, they don’t see.
Retire the TV 'experts'
Why do our TV media roll out old, retired cops who reckon they have all the answers to current police investigations? I get that sometimes reporters feel they have been given limited info at our formal police briefings, so they turn to someone who’s been out of the job for years. I suppose they get free advertising for their “consultant” business or whatever, but you’re no longer a cop, leave us to do our work and keep your sometimes unhelpful opinions to yourself. Some of those “experts” have been getting rolled out for years, it’s getting comical.
A truly joint operation
Anzac Day is becoming the one day of the year when Kiwis from all walks of life gather for a common purpose. To see so many families honour those fallen, and those still serving, is awesome. Great to see large police contingents in their towns and cities taking part, especially at dawn parades. It’s truly a privilege to be part of them.