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Police Health Plan - Financial Strength Rating

The Police Health Plan has received an A- (Excellent) financial strength rating by A M Best Co Inc.

More information about the rating scale can be found at 

A M Best Co.'s Financial Strength Rating Scale:



A++, A+ (Superior)

A, A- (Excellent)

B++, B+ (Good)

B, B- (Fair)

C++, C+ (Marginal)

C, C- (Weak)

D (Poor)

E (Under Regulatory Supervision)

F (In Liquidation)

S (Suspended)

NR (Not Rated)

Solvency Margin

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand sets solvency standards for all licensed insurance providers. To meet the claims of our members, we are required to maintain a minimum amount of solvency capital. 

As at 31 March 2024, our solvency margin is $28.00m. The Solvency Margin represents the difference between Actual Solvency Capital and Minimum Solvency Capital. A Solvency Ratio is calculated by dividing Actual Solvency Capital by Minimum Solvency Capital.


Solvency and Capital Adequacy NZD

Actual Solvency Capital (as at 31 March 2024)


Minimum Solvency Capital


Solvency Margin


Solvency Ratio



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